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Don’t Just Watch – Spencer Laval & Steve Rickz

Trying to enjoy a little private time, Steve Rickz is interrupted he catches roomie Spencer Laval spying on him. Spencer doesn’t seem to put off by seeing Steve’s dick, and Steve is determined to bust his nut one way or the other, so when it becomes obvious that Spencer isn’t gonna leave him alone, Steve decides if you can’t beat them, might as well join them, and watches as Spencer helps himself to a seat on the bed. He grabs Steve’s cock and before Steve can say anything, Spencer is throat deep on the head, devouring it as Steve’s eyes roll back into his head. But Spencer didn’t just come to blow steam. He whips out his hard dick and Steve’s eyes light up at the size of it. He begs Spencer to plow him with his cock and Spencer obliges, going balls deep in Steve’s bareback hole and pounding him until Steve is ready to shoot his load. Steve empties his nut all over himself as Spencer does the same, and the two of them laugh at the thought of it taking so long.


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