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Double Daddy – Alex Tikas, Julian Torres & Tony Zucchero

Alex Tikas knows his boyfriend, Julian Torres, is a big slut. The bearded, tattooed bottom must have cock to live, and cum to feed. Alex, on the other hand, gets off on watching his boyfriend get fucked by other men. So they invite Tony Zucchero over for an afternoon of fun and games. While Julian and Tony make out, Alex lies in bed watching the two of them. He continues to watch, even as Julian drops to his knees to service Tony. But when Tony starts bareback fucking Julian, that’s when Alex gets up. Tony slobbers all over the big man’s thick slab of uncut beef, coating it with spit for lube. Alex then slides home and fucks his boyfriend while Tony stuffs his face full of cock. Alex pounds Julian until the bottom blows. Then it’s Tony’s turn. After all, it’s Alex’s home. Anyone who wants to use Julian’s holes is welcome to do so, but they’re going to get fucked as well, and left dripping with freshly churned and creamy Daddy jizz.


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