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Double load – Koldo Goran & David Chacon

Christmas holidays are over and our Spanish top-mate Koldo Goran is horny at home, thinking to all the great fucks that he had in the last days. When he moves to the living room Goran finds his new housemate David Chacon provoking him from the sofa, with his bubble butt well in sight. Koldo doesn’t waste this new opportunity to use his massive dick with a young hungry bottom and plants his face in David’s hot end, rimming his hole with mastery. Things get hotter soon and Chacon begs to have a taste of Koldo’s huge cock and work on it with his tongue and mouth. Horny as never before, our Latin bottom shows his hot hole and begs the Spaniard to stick his bareback bone deep inside it. Koldo is delighted to bang such a willing ass and shows no mercy, pushing the cock into the kid at every angle. When he can’t resist anymore he unleashes a huge load of cum right inside it. But also after cumming, the lust of our monster-dicked mate is not yet fullfilled and so he keeps on fucking hard his sweet friend, until shooting for the second time a thick cum-load all over the open asshole!


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