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Dripping In Cum! Dillon James Learns Why They Call David “The Slinger”!

The quickest dick in the west is back! David Slingers been crushing on our new guy Dillon James all week! He mentioned he kind of looks like Zac Efron and he’s been wanting to make him sing! We let these two boys get right to it and Dillon was quick to get his tongue up David’s ass! Our new bottom king and The Slinger deliver some hot foreplay, sucking each other off and rimming back and forth! David finally can’t wait anymore and takes control of his hot new piece of ass. His dick felt so good inside Dillon, he couldn’t help but bust all over himself! David came in quick and cleaned up the mess with his tongue… That was hot! There’s only one thing left to do after something like that; Mr. Big Nut Buster flipped Dillon into doggy and gave him the biggest cumshot he’s ever had!


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