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Dylan Fucks Chris

These two clean-cut, all-American studs really go at it in this one and show off the naughty sides they each have! By the end, Chris is bouncing up and down on Dylan’s dick while blasting out a load clear across the room before dropping down to his knees to hungrily feed on the load Dylan fires down his throat! Both these guys took very different paths to this point here. Dylan took a long break from action at CF, not returning to try out guy/guy action until about a whole year after first introducing himself to us. Chris, on the other hand, was down for any and everything we could throw at him from the very start. While each got to this point very differently, they pair up wonderfully now that they’re both here getting in to guy/guy action together! In particular, these two really, really look awesome together while Chris is face down, ass up, gripping the couch as Dylan drills down in to him. The look on Chris’ face is priceless as his moans fill the room. One of my favorite moments is when Chris is riding Dylan, though – each of these guys is clearly as turned on by the sight of one another as we are. The eye contact is extended and deep, and I really think the sight of how turned on they were each making one another is a big part of what sends them each over the edge and leads to Chris swallowing down Dylan’s monster load.


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