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Dylan Gets A Filling from Rocky

These two are just too darn cute together. Their banter and the way they interact with one another at the outset is priceless, really – there’s some clear sexual tension, but they’re also each a shy enough to come across as a bit goofy and awkward as if they’re two close buddies who have somehow found themselves about to have sex with one another, each wanting it so badly but each a bit hesitant to make it obvious just how much they want it. That pretty much describes precisely what’s happening, really! We’ve called this one “Dylan Gets a Filling”, and boy does he ever. We knew he would get a fillin’ when we set out to have Rocky fuck him, and we also get to see just how insanely hot it is when that happens and when Rocky buries his dick in Dylan. Prior to that filling, Dylan spends some quality time sucking on Rocky’s big uncut dick, and Rocky gets his tongue all over and inside Dylan’s tight hole. We’ll let you in on a little secret – when Dylan first (finally, after a year!) agreed to give guy/guy action a shot, he specifically mentioned being hesitant to bottom for Rocky. He had seen Rocky’s cock, and heard about how Rocky can fuck hard, deep, and long with endless stamina. After the action here, though, I suspect Dylan will be asking for more chances to get fucked by Rocky!


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