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Elian Splits Dane

We’ve been needing to get these two back together, and with Elian back after a little time away it was an absolute must he and Dane rekindle that flame! The smiles on their faces and the hard dicks straining away at their shorts even before they’ve touched one another make it clear both Dane and Elian agreed – we all need more “Dalian”! These two are all over each other instantly – it’s obvious they’ve missed one another. Dane’s clearly missed Elian’s cock, as he’s soon slobbering all over it and practically making out with Elian’s dick as he sucks it deep. Elian’s obviously missed Dane’s ass – he couldn’t wait to get his tongue in it and taste it, and it’s not long before he’s teasing and fingering Dane’s hole so he can get it ready to fuck. These two didn’t just want to fuck, though. They wanted to fuck hard and fast. They wanted to look deep in to one another’s eyes as they do it. They wanted to make out, talk dirty to each other, and fuck hard some more. Dane perhaps wanted it even more than he could handle! It was almost as if Elian’s dick had gotten even bigger since the last time they were together, and Elian had become even more of a studly top. Either way, by the end of it all, Dane’s blasting out a big load while Elian pumps his hole, and Elian’s painting Dane’s entire back and ass with his own load!


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