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English Teacher – Henrique Becker & Tulio Hernandez

Túlio Hernandez is taking private lessons with his English teacher Henrique Becker, but he needs extra help more specific in the pronunciation of sentences to use in his business area. Henrique clears up some of Túlio’s doubts, who is satisfied with the learning acquired. In one part of the class, Túlio asks his teacher how to say he has a big dick, so Henrique explains he can say “I have a big dick” in English, but warns Túlio that false advertising is a crime. Túlio decides to show his teacher that he doesn’t do false advertising and has the professional take a closer look at his work instrument, leaving him with water in his mouth and shocked by the size of the student’s dick. Henrique sucks his student’s dick a lot getting him horny and feeling the hot mouth of the teacher swallowing all his huge dick. Tulio fucks his teacher’s ass making the nasty moan with lust and pleasure. Henrique shows Túlio that he isn’t only good at using the tongue to speak English, but also to do other things. This class is on fire and will make you lose total focus.


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