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Eric Rides Julian’s Big Bare Tool

Julian is a tough, sexy top with a strong Roman nose and scruffy beard. Julian’s a pretty-boy bottom with big pouty lips made for sucking cock and a tight smooth ass built for taking a rough deep screw. And when Julian rams his uncut Latin dick deep and bare into Eric’s cockhungry ass it’s no surprise. But sometimes a little chuckle in a scorching hookup makes it all the hotter. Watch Julian break into adorable ticklish giggles when Eric dares to move his tongue out of the safe zone of Julian’s cock and ballsack, wandering down to lick and suck on the scruffy top’s butt. It’s a little too verboten, and all Julian can do is laugh! These two horny rawfuckers get back on track and Eric takes every inch of his boss top’s giant uncut tool till the spurts of musky male juice are splattering across his lean-muscled chest and squirting deep into his twitching hole.
