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Evan Fucking Matias

Matias recently reached out to say he’d love to film some scenes with us, and when we saw this handsome young stud with that flawless body our response to that was, “Heck yes!”. Matias has a bit of a Clark Kent/Superman way about him – when you see him fully clothed and with his eyes behind those glasses, he definitely looks cute. But once he starts to peel off those clothes to reveal that ripped body and then that big dick, you’re left wondering where this total stud came from and where he’d been hiding! For Matias’ debut, he unleashes his superpowers on fellow newcomer Evan. These two trade wet, hungry blowjobs, impress one another with their deepthroat skills, then Matias bends over to let Evan have at his hole. The rest of us already knew Evan was bringing a hot, juicy, tasty-looking cock to the party and now Matias gets to discover that for himself – a discovery he was very happy to make!
