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Extra Credit – Max Blairwood & Damian Dragon

Max Blairwood is in professor Damian Dragon’s office to find out how to get some extra credit to get his grades up. In this world of sexy Asian gay bareback porn, the extra credit you need is always just a fuck or blowjob away. Damian sits manspreading behind his desk, hand on his swelling crotch, and before you know it, this hot little bottom is paying a lot more attention than he ever does in class. He licks Professor’s love pole good and stiff then perches ass up on a chair to get his hole juicy and eaten out. A wet finger goes into his tight little hairy ass to make sure it’s ready for the next phase of “extra credit”. Damian’s prick slides in easy, looks like Max is learning fast. Next skill test is how well he can sit and grind on the stiff meat. His firm dick helicopters around as he goes crazy on that raw, juicy cock. The tatted muscle daddy lifts Max’s legs and drills deep while the horny college boy begs “Fuck ME!” Damian plows the sticky wad out of Max and sprays a hot load onto his hand and balls. Max made the grade with this assignment, no doubt!


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