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Face fucked by Beefcake Gabriel

Face fucked by Beefcake Gabriel video is the nice surprise for this week, it finally happened! after years of waiting for this Latino hottie. Out of the blue one day he texted me and asked me if I remember him? I pretended to be unimpressed: Gabriel who? Lol I am kidding! How on earth I can forget this beautiful man with beautiful legs?! He told me that he needed some work for some plans that he has, and I was like: Hold on, let me see my schedule…. Ok… I have this Sunday open, is ok for you? again, I was pretending, I was very excited lol I know that the logic next step in a Beefcake journey at BeefCakeHunter Land is to visit my back door, but after you guys watch this scene Face fucked by Beefcake Gabriel, you may agree with me that a warmup oral scene was necessary, but if you don’t, well…… he is coming back, guarantee… 🙂 As I referred above, Beefcake Gabriel seemed a little nervous in this occasion, somehow different that the 20 years old that made his first appearance at the BCH arena years ago, but gosh! He still gorgeous, and his new look is so masculine! I made sure that he knows that his fans have waited for him for so long and that they will be very happy to see him in their screens again! That Sunday early afternoon Gabriel showed up so well dressed like he was going to a party or something, but later I learned that he went out last night and did not go back home, so he asked me if he can take a shower, so this was the perfect opportunity for a quick shower scene. Once on my knees, I started very slow, caressing Gabriel’s chest, and his hairy legs, I forgot how big his balls are, so I dedicate a lot of time to them before going for the main course, and with slow sucking I put Gabriel in the zone in matter a minute or two, and soon I realized that what was in this hottie mind as a menu, was a nice and long face fucking! And not only in one position, but he also did lay down and step-up face fucking me, it was amazing, and I know a couple of Hunters that love that. Then with a steady sucking I got him very close to the climax, but I switch to jerk him off when he asked for it, and what happened next, was one of the biggest cum-shot at the BCH history, wow! he even had to move out of its way! Lol I hope you guys enjoy this Face fucked by Beefcake Gabriel video, and stay tuned, he is coming back to visit my back door.


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