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FamChaser 9: House Tasks – Pierce Paris & Braxton Hill

‘m tired of my stepson Braxton Hill disrespecting me and messing up my house, so I decide to teach him a little lesson. I shake up a can in the fridge, then ask him to bring it to me and open it. When it sprays all over the floor, I tell him to clean it up. But when Braxton’s down on his hands and knees with his ass in my face, I realize he could use a different kind of lesson! I get my cock out and stroke it, then pull down his pants to find he’s only wearing a little jock strap underneath. I spit on his ass and tease him with my dick before fucking him doggystyle. This twink can’t get enough of my cock, so I have him lie back on the couch and fuck him missionary as I stuff his jock strap in his mouth. Braxton blows me, then I fuck him piledriver, and he obediently takes my load in his mouth!


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