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Family Vacations Part 3 – Augusto Phellipe, Brendo Vilhena, Caio Rodrigues, Eduardo Lima, Jottae, Italo Andrade, Leicy Sposito, Livinho & Victor Ferraz

Jottaé arranges to meet his friends on the beach and follows a trail to the place when he is surprised by Augusto Phellipe and Brendo Vilhena who work at Victor Ferraz’s house. The two fuck Jottaé’s ass and he enjoyed it a lot. With a delicious blowjob, Jottaé makes the tops guys horny, until a delicious fisting rolls loose while Jottaé delights with Brendo’s hand on her juicy ass. After a lot of fucking, Brendo and Augusto fill the nasty with their load leaving him full of milk. Victor Ferraz is jacking off very hot during the shower and his cousin Livinho comes in the bathroom and sees the scene and wants to suck his cousin’s cock. Victor feeds him, but wants to fuck his delicious ass. Because Livinho gave his ass to the pool boy Eduardo Lima, he can’t give it right to his cousin Victor who complains about the nasty. Victor puts his cousin to suck his cock, because he wants to come soon, but he can’t and he pans out. The pool party starts and the barbecue goes on, Jottaé recognizes Brendo Vilhena among the crowd and tells Leicy Spósito and Italo Andrade that he fucked him on the trail on the way to the beach. He goes after Brendo and the two go up the stairs to do a good bit of dirty work. This third episode is full of horny and adrenaline, so don’t miss it.
