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Fantasy Cum True: Military Studs King Coleman & Jeremiah Cruz Try Something New

o think that it all started with King Coleman & Jeremiah Cruz house sitting for Sargent Villa while he was in the field… Too bad for Sarge that King and Jeremiah aren’t all too fond of him. What happens next? Of course they fuck on every surface of their Sargent’s sick crib, but King has a surprise for Jeremiah. He’s got a thing for guys in women’s lingerie and Jeremiah looks DAMN good in some stockings! You can tell by King’s raging hard cock that he’s more than satisfied with how Jeremiah looks in Sargent Villa’s wife’s sexy nylons. But it didn’t stop there, these two studs were just getting warmed up. Plenty of “pound my pussy” talk and hard fucking ensued all the way till the end of this hot romp leaving a face full of King’s big load all over Jeremiah’s cute face. Clean up soldiers! Sarge is due back any minute!


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