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Fuck That Entitled Brat – Jack Valor, Caden Dior, Adam Ramzi & Evan Jordie

On a hot and busy day, Adam, Caden, and Evan are working hard on their mechanic workshop when Jack shows up. His car just broke and he needs urgent help, so the mechanics try to repair his vehicle as fast as possible. Rather than being patient, Jack is kind of a dick about it, constantly asking the guys when the car will be ready and telling them that he has urgent business to attend to. The guys quickly get fed up with the bratty boy’s entitled attitude so they try to drive him away so they can do their job peacefully. Jack shows his asshole side once more and demands to speak to the manager, prompting the guys to finally lose it. Eager to teach the spoiled brat a lesson, they throw him to his knees and show him what happens when in their shop you pretend that you are better than everyone else.


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