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Getting pounded by Jameer

Getting pounded by Jameer is a video long due. This slim sexy mix young dude has his fans, and they all have been asking me for months what happened to him… Well, after our first encounter, we were supposed to meet a few days later for the fuck scene, but at that moment he chickened out and declined to do it. While in his town we ran into a very exceptional coincidence. He texted me asking when I would be back in town, when I told him that I was actually there, he asked me: “Can we do another video?”. That text that came out of the blue, one moment he was watching TV, moments later he was a BeefCakeHunter Land again! It couldn’t be a better moment to ask! A few hours before, I had finished to shoot a video with another Beefcake, and I was myself under the BCH zone lol if you know what I mean lol. As you may know, Beefcake Jameer is a little shy, but all that shyness went away from his cock when I started touching it under his shorts and underwear. I love to tease him, so I began to lick and suck his dick before taking off his clothes, he got hard really fast! When I had him completely naked, I started sucking him slow and then hard. There is something about Jameer’s cock that drives me crazy ;). When I made him stand up, he surprisingly soft face fuck me, giving me a sign that he was ready, and it was time to begin Getting pounded by Jameer. Now that I noticed, maybe I sucked him for too long, and I got him too close to cum, I will explain you why I think that. Once I got him hard again and I got on my fours, the pounding was good for being his first time fucking a man pussy. He was totally in the zone, even asking me if I love his dick, wow, that was hot, and honestly, I was ready to get pounded for long, but he nutted too soon. I didn’t believe him, so I did little to stop him, but boom! He nutted on my butt, and I think it was because I may have sucked him for so long that I got his jizz so close to the door lol. It was a big warm load. Maybe it’s like he said, it’s his first time, and a man-pussy was tighter than the pussy he has tried, lol. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this video Getting pounded by Jameer


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