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Ginger Sauce – Patrick Raposa & Matt Moss

In the studio today we’ve got Patrick, our well-known ginger, and joining him is new guy Matt. Now Matt has worked for another studio and even tried straight porn, but finding that gay porn pays much better, he’s found himself on our couch. Desperate for money, this 20-year-old married man is ready to do what he needs to do to earn some cash. Since he knows the ropes, we’re not afraid to ask Matt to go right in for some cock-sucking as Patrick sits back and enjoys some oral from his scene partner. Matt works that dick nice and slow with his mouth, making sure Patrick feels everything before they swap and now Matt gets to watch Patrick go down on him. Those warm, wet mouths around their cock have these boys hard and ready to fuck and Patrick gets on all fours on the bed. Matt lines up his throbbing dick with Patrick’s hole and pushes inside, pounding Patrick raw and deep as Patrick moans gently beneath him. Turning onto his back, Patrick spreads wide open and takes that dick until both these guys shoot a nice big load of cum!


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