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Giving a PRO blow job to an inexperienced cute young dude…

Giving a PRO blow job to an inexperienced cute young dude…, The first thing that impressed me about this 20-year-old beefcake, was his killer smile. His smile, made me feel comfortable enough, to give him my business card while he was parking my friend’s car in a South Beach hotel, where he works as a valet. Honestly, I didn’t expect him to contact me anytime soon, but he did, and faster than I thought! When he arrived for shooting, I also fell for his humbleness, I felt I could do as I please with his soft sexy young body. I even had the pleasure to undress him, and I went nuts! I explored his area between his balls and ass, he got a little nervous then, and I got naughty! We both enjoyed it all very much. I just love the expression on his face, when I went nuts with my lips and tongue between his legs. I can tell that, this young dude had small experience receiving blow jobs, we chatted, and we laughed in between…Now, this Beefcake is ready for more!
