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Gossip Boy – Allen King & Diego Summers

Bitchy rich boys are all alike: manipulative, bossy, and entitled. Allen King, this week’s rich boy, and Diego Summers, his willing English tutors, make a very special arrangement in Gossip Boy. When Diego stops by Allen’s opulent home to give him English lessons, Allen would rather sex Diego up than learn English grammar. After some lusty kissing, Diego gives Allen’s long dick a good suck before Allen returns the favor. Allen gets up on the table and puts his hairy butt right in Diego’s face. From there, Diego stuff’s Allen’s posh ass with his cock, and Allen loves every inch of it. Just like the bitchy rich boy he is, Allen takes the lead in this flick. He leads Diego to a chair and rides his cock deep and hard before they both bust. Both of these guys get what’s coming to them in the end!


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