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Grayson Breaking In Evan

Evan won us all over with his introductory solo, but now he’s here to make sure Grayson appreciates just how lucky we all are that Evan’s joined the CF roster. He does that by getting his hot cock buried balls-deep in Grayson, then fucking him every which way until Grayson’s painting the sheets with a massive load! Even before Evan gets Grayson bent over to go to town on his hole, he’s impressing Grayson with his oral skills. Judging by the moans and groans, Grayson’s not used to having his big dick expertly deep-throated. Evan’s up for the challenge, though, and gets his lips all the down to the base of Grayson’s cock over and over again. While there’s no doubt Grayson was loving every single bit of that, Evan was only working his cock over so well to turn him into putty in his hands so he could throw Grayson’s legs up in the air and have at Grayson’s hole – and the results are spectacular!
