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Grayson Breaking In Nico

From fun in the sun to fun in the bedroom, we’re getting Nico into some action right away to see what this handsome young man can handle, as well as what he can dish out! It’s been awhile since we let two CF studs go at one another in some flip fuck action, so fortunately for all of us not only was newcomer Nico up for that but Grayson was around and more than happy to help make that happen. Grayson’s always up for a good time on the receiving end of a solid pounding, on the giving end of one, or on both ends as the action here would entail! Since his own time as a newcomer to CF, Grayson’s helped break in many a later arrival to some hardcore CF action. Indeed, we’ve had it happen a few times that a guy will actually request him – not only is Grayson a stud, but he’s so friendly and easygoing and gets along with everyone so well guys know they’ll have a good time with him and he’ll make their first CF action experience a great one. That’s certainly the case for Nico here! While Nico’s face down and ass up getting his hole pumped deep by Grayson’s cock, you can tell he’s totally thrilled Grayson’s the one who’s balls-deep in his hole for his first CF fuck session. And prior to that? You could see Nico was having the time of his life pounding Grayson’s hole after a long, intense round of rimming and getting his tongue as deep up inside Grayson as he could!
