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Greg McKeon & Nico Leon Cam Show

Nico Leon & Greg McKeon meet for the first time and you get to see them “get to know each other” as it happened in this condom-free filmed live show! It doesn’t take long for their instant attraction go from playfully affectionate kissing & body play to full-on making out, bodies grinding together and sucking each other back & forth before they even get out their underwear! While Nico is on his second round of sucking him, Greg turns his attention to his ass and in no time Nico is all all fours getting his hole eaten. Soon Greg slips his cock in to fuck Nico from behind and on top of him with passions running high. Although they slow it down with a sensual 69, they gravitate back to Greg on top, pounding Nico to the bed.The guys keep their show going by switching things up with Nico riding Greg who simply can’t help thrusting up into him. Another break and Greg drills Nico on his back before he fucks him on his stomach and cuts loose. Greg power fucks him and as Nico begs to be bred he pulls out to shoot a hands-free load over Nico’s back and into his hole. Now eager to help Nico cum as he jacks off, Greg kisses & manhandles him but it’s when he licks his balls that he erupts in a thick load. Greg quickly sucks up some and kisses Nico still coming down from a sex high. Now this is a great first meeting ice breaker!


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