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Greg Riley Bottoms for Connor Taylor & Brent Oliver

Sexy, brooding DILF, Greg, has ordered pizza, but when Brent, the gawky, blond delivery boy turns up, it soon becomes clear that he’s forgotten the bread sticks. Horrified by his mistake, Brent immediately calls a co-worker and asks him to drop by at the address with a fresh order. The shaven-headed hairy DILF is quick to make a move and invites the nervous blond lad to join him on the bed. Greg is plainly hungry because he’s soon eating the smooth boy’s face, tongue rammed hard down his throat. They get naked. Brent’s beautiful and fat dick is surprisingly large. Greg likes nothing more than a big twink dick and is soon on all fours sucking the boy like his life depends on it. At that moment, geeky, ginger-haired delivery boy, Connor, arrives with the bread sticks. He walks straight into the bedroom and is shocked to find his co-worker making out with an older man. Surprise gives way to horniness and Connor rapidly gets in on the action, stripping naked before using his snake-like tongue to probe Greg’s ripe, daddy hole. The boys switch places so that Brent can familiarize himself with the ass he’s about to bang. After getting the DILF’s hole good and ready, Brent spits on his big dick and slowly sinks it into the older man’s boulder-like ass. He’s thrusting himself in and out of it real fast and hard within seconds. He gasps with unadulterated, lust-fuelled pleasure as his raw dick explores every available internal inch. It’s Connor’s turn to bang the daddy now. He casually rams his long dick into Greg’s opened-up hole, pounding him relentlessly. Connor orders Greg to get on his back and the two boys kneel over him, jerking themselves frantically. Brent is the first to fire. He squirts a thick creamy layer all over Greg’s clippered, hairy chest. Seconds later, Connor blasts watery semen across the sexy DILF’s washboard stomach.


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