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Gunner Rose & Vadim Black

Many guys in the industry are strictly gay for pay. They have girlfriends and wives at home but they know that gay porn pays more so they can’t resist. That’s how Vadim Black started out and even though he’s gay for pay and does prefer women, he doesn’t like to put a label on anyone because he says it just opens you up for debate and too many questions. Vadim is smokin’ hot! He has jet black hair, hazel eyes, a killer body, and a beautiful, thick, and uncut dick! Gunner Rose is this week’s bait guy and he’s pretty sexually fluid as well! Gunner has sex with women as well but he isn’t ashamed to admit that he’s in touch with his feminine side! Basically, he likes guys to pretend that he’s a girl and fuck his ass just as hard and good as they would a pussy! Lucky for him, Vadim can deliver the fuck that he’s yearning for!
