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Gustavo Mineirinho & Aryel Mnz – Duro feito pedra!

Aryel had always been a playful guy, but when he rented his room to Gustavo, a charming young man from Minas Gerais with an engaging accent, he realized that his guest was a heavy sleeper. Intrigued by the idea of ​​testing his resistance, Aryel decided to scare his new roommate. It was dawn when he entered Gustavo’s room, sliding silently across the cold floor of the apartment. The man from Minas Gerais’ body was relaxed, his breathing rhythmic and deep. With a mischievous smile, Aryel approached, whispering something provocative in the other’s ear – but what started as a joke soon awakened a different tension in the air. Gustavo moved slowly, his eyes half-closed, feeling Aryel’s proximity. The planned scare turned into something more intense, when the playful touches became instinctive and full of desire. The heat of that night promised to be much more intense than any prank…
