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Gym Daddy’s Big Cock – Joe Parker & Johnny B

When Joe Parker sees young Johnny B’s cute little ass hanging out of his jock strap, he feels a tingle in his pants, and when Johnny sees what Joe is packing as he strips to change, he feels a sudden urge to mingle. And just that quickly, a locker room lust story unfolds, as Johnny quickly checks to see if anyone is around and then hungrily helps himself to Joe’s meaty locker room cock. This isn’t the first time gym daddy Joe has caught a quickie in the changing area, but Johnny’s hole may be the sweetest so far. At least, that’s what Joe thinks as he tongue fucks Johnny from behind, and his suspicions are confirmed when he slides his thick cock all the way inside Johnny. Johnny may not know how to work a jock strap but he’s definitely no stranger to working a dick, as he takes Joe’s hard pounding and begs for more, cumming all over himself as Joe pulls out and jizzes all over Johnny’s alabaster stomach.
