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Gym Hookup – Johnny Viper & Roque Rems

While it’s true that a lot of cruising goes on at gyms all over the world, the most you can probably expect to find is a good cock stroke or some sucking in the showers. Curious men boned up after a workout are always on the lookout for a shower boner to explore with. That’s not the case for Jawked hunks Roque Rems and Johnny Viper. These super hot hunks seem to have the place to themselves and they’re not worried about being caught in the act. We can only assume any personal trainer who happened to stumble across their rampant horniness would more likely want to join in. That is perhaps evidenced by the fact they don’t even save their curious jock cock play for the showers or steam room at this establishment. When Johnny gets the obvious signal from the observant Roque he’s heading over to free the swollen uncut cock of his new workout buddy and greedily wanking and sucking his handsome muscle. With testosterone coursing through their well-built bodies the two are quickly ready to go all the way. Naked and with their rampant erections wet and slurped back and forth Rogue turns his attention to his pal’s greedy jock hole, spending a good long while licking and tongue fucking his sweaty buddy’s pucker. Some men don’t know how to use gym equipment effectively, but these two most certainly make the most of the benches. The energetic thrusting and pounding of Johnny’s eager hole is punctuated with pucker licks and boner sucks until the two are ready to get a protein fix, jerking out their hot messy cum loads for each other to lick up and swallow. If they weren’t workout buddies before this they sure are now.


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