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Hall-O-ween: Cody Seiya & Theo Brady

CockyBoys’ annual Halloween tradition returns with “Hall-O-Ween” featuring Cody Seiya and Theo Brady! Cody likes Halloween but Theo LOVES it, almost to an edgy extreme that Cody isn’t into—-until he learns that the holiday makes Theo REALLY horny! Soon, they engage in notably sensual making out which only leads to increasingly passionate sex. Cody sucks and swallows Theo’s cock without any regard to its hugeness and in return Theo eats out his ass with some deft tongue action. Theo then pounds Cody’s hole, finding that sweet spot and going at it hard until Theo stops to give Cody head with intuitive perfection.The guys get into heated multi-position fucking Cody hits his groove riding Theo–which fans know he loves to do. Theo often surprises—as he does here by picking up Cody, kissing him in mid-air and sitting down again to let Cody ride him again. This leads to him shooting a thick load over Theo, who is triggered to shoot his big load too. Cody grinds and twerks on Theo’s cock and kisses him again. Yes, Cody now loves Halloween too!
