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Hardcore Gaming – Troye Dean & Chris White

Troye Dean is planning to seduce his BF Chris White by showing him the new plug he put in, but Chris is too absorbed in his game to even look at his man’s butt in his face! The gamer doesn’t seem to notice as Troye fucks his mouth and his feet, but he looks up when Troye loudly cums, saying it’s the most intense orgasm of his life. Chris knows he can make his boyfriend cum harder than any toy can, so he rims Troye, then sucks his cock before pounding him doggystyle. Then it’s Troye’s turn to penetrate his man in a flip fuck combo, and the gamer maxes out his pleasure gauge as he rides Troye’s dick and takes it deep enough in piledriver to lick his own tip! Both of them cum on Chris’s face, setting a new orgasm high score.


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