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Harris Swallows Kellan

Harris had been away for awhile before his recent return to CF, and one thing he’d never gotten around to since we first saw him is getting fucked. Well, that all changes here and now! Truth be told, Harris wasn’t sure he even wanted to try bottoming his first time out. Even with his recent return, he wasn’t entirely convinced he could give it a shot. Even if he was to give it a shot, he wasn’t convinced he’d even be able to handle it. But hey, many guys have said that before coming to CF – expressed disbelief at the thought they could manage taking a hard cock in their ass, only to discover how incredible it feels before our very eyes. With Harris’ cock being rock hard and pointing skyward through much of the action here, there’s no doubt he found his body reacting to Kellan’s cock pumping his hole in ways his mind had never imagined prior! The look on his face as the cum starts blasting out of his cock makes that obvious, as well! Kellan welcomed Harris back to CF, and now Kellan blows Harris’ mind – and blows a huge load all over Harris’ face and down his throat – in Harris’ bottoming debut!


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