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Helix Soccer Team 2 Episode 2: Hot Soccer is Back – Frank Bauer & Glenn Hut

Our favorite soccer players continue to make us very hot. In this chapter we will see Frank and Glenn united in a double bed. The two of them are teammates on the soccer team, they play together on Helix Team. They are young and Latino, it seems that the night before they had something, now tomorrow they are late for the soccer game. They have to put on their shorts and t-shirts but they can’t resist touching their huge bulges. They keep groping their penises, they get very hard, after kneading them well with their hands, they take it to their mouths and suck it from top to bottom, from the base to the tip. So they take turns, these very manly boys, soccer players, go crazy for the penis of their companions. They do a 69 at the same time, they suck each other’s cocks eagerly, wanting to get the other’s semen out, filling it with saliva and leaving it on the verge of coming. He activates his entire position and sucks the bottom’s ass, who gives up his huge ass to be dilated and penetrated. When he’s ready, he puts his huge penis in her and fucks her very hard, he gives her on all fours, it’s a show. Then he changes position and sits him on top, to be ridden like a wild horse. The penis goes in and out of the whole ass. Then he opens his legs up and in that position, the passive releases all his cum, can’t take it anymore and ends up with the other’s cock inside his anus. Afterwards, the top man releases the milk on his chest, with great pleasure. Soccer players know how to party. Now they will be late but very satisfied. I hope they perform on the pitch like they do in bed… To find out how this story continues, be sure to watch the next episode of Hellix Soccer Team: The Match, playing with balls is very hot.


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