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Helix Soccer Team 2 Episode 6: Rematch – Vincent Landi & Frank Bauer

In this chapter number 6, the soccer boys want revenge. Vincent’s team, the goalkeeper, is winning on penalties. Vincent can’t stop the last goal and that’s why his team loses. But the other team’s scorer, Frank, is such a good rival that he is willing to do anything to comfort him. Yes, willing to do the hottest things that can be done in a men’s locker room. Frank massages Vincent, the goalkeeper, who goes from being low to having his member pumping blood and getting really hard. Frank kisses her neck from behind, in an impulse of heat, his dicks get huge from the heat. Vincent, still wearing his goalie gloves, asks Frank to suck his dick. Frank without hesitation eats the whole penis, sucks his member knowing what he’s doing and that his teammates in the locker room can discover them sucking his rival’s dick. He does not care! Frank wants to be penetrated in the ass by Vincent, he climbs his body in front of him and puts his penis inside his tail. The hole dilates and receives that huge cock from the boy. Vincent fucks him fast, sticks his dick in and out again and again, Frank moans with pleasure, rather screams and is grateful that such a male penetrates him. Then they change positions, Vincent penetrates him from behind, Frank can’t stand his urge to cum anymore… Frank cums himself and then Vincent cums all over Frank’s belly and chest! Vincent and Frank had their revenge. To find out how this story ends, don’t miss the 7th and final chapter of this series Hellix Soccer Team: The Match, playing with balls is very hot.


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