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Helix Soccer Team 2: Three Is a Match – Neil Scott, Felix Harris & Sly Conan

The adventures of our young Latino soccer players continue in the new episode: Three Is a Match. The meeting of the males in the dressing room this time is three. As Felix undresses relaxed, Neil looks at his butt, determined to touch it. Felix is ​​surprised but likes the initiative of his curious partner. He tells him to touch it, so Neil starts fingering him from the front. Meanwhile Sly watches everything, the situation heats up and the penises get very hard. Sly stands up and gets Neil to suck him off. With his jockstraps, Felix sucks Neil’s ass and penetrates him very hard from behind. But Felix shares the pleasure and gives it to Sly, who also penetrates Neil, while the latter sucks Felix wildly. But Sly takes it off and penetrates Felix. Wow, this wardrobe is the hottest of all. It ends with the two boys’ great finish in Neil’s mouth. That is a game well played. Great team, great companions. Like in the next episode, where Dave and Francis, two boys younger than the rest, meet in the locker room and warm up for the first time with another boy … The first times, the first gay sex also happens in our Helix Soccer Team, are you going to miss it?


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