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Helloojose is such a friendly and approachable guy with a sensible approach to the business. We find him relaxing on the bed in a pair of cutoff jean shorts, giving a candid interview in which he reveals he’s really into “POV” porn at the moment. This will come into play later in the video – he asked if we’d mind if he had some of his favorite POV porn playing on his phone during his solo scene, and we said “Go for it!” Helloojose gives us the stories behind a couple of his tattoos before stepping off the bed, peeling away his shorts, and revealing a black jock strap. He spins around and invites you to judge the “juiciness” of his ass. He climbs back on to the bed and gets a POV scene playing on his phone as he strokes his uncut dick through his jock strap. He pulls it off and adds some lube to the mix. His dick his a slight curve to his left that works perfectly with his right-handed stroking technique. He gets on to his knees and continues to work his cock, rubbing his other hand along his chest and stomach while thrusting his hips forward. He spins around and showcases his ass for you, pushing his cock back, fingering his hole, and air-fucking towards the back of the room. As he approached climax, he spins back towards the camera and pulls a pillow in front of him. He works up an intense orgasm and sprays his load all over the pillow as he moans, then tastes a sample of his load. Stay tuned for more from this friendly hunk!


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