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Here’s Your Package – Evan Ginger & Julio Pisco

It’s the holidays, and Julio Pisco is putting the finishing touches on his Christmas decorations, the warm glow of twinkling lights filling his cozy home. Just as he steps back to admire his work, a knock sounds at the door. Standing there, holding a big green box and sporting a playful grin, is Evan Ginger—a cheeky delivery guy with an urgent package to deliver. Julio assumes it’s the usual Christmas gift: socks from his grandmother. But as he tears into the box, he quickly realizes his bros have played a prank on him, sending something far more… unexpected. Evan, never one to miss an opportunity, raises an eyebrow and suggests with a smirk, “Well, why not give it a try?” Julio, intrigued, decides there’s no harm in embracing a little holiday mischief. With the tension thick as fresh snow, the two unwrap each other’s “packages,” giving way to playful holiday cheer. Before long, Julio finds himself planting his sweet Christmas log into Evan’s Christmas cakes —dessert has officially been served. This evening is full of festive fun and unplanned delights, proving that sometimes, Christmas truly does cum early.


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