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Hung Alexander is back

Hung Alexander is back after four years of disappearance, and I know many Hunters will be very happy to see that piece of art that this sexy Latino has between his legs! Few weeks ago, the stars aligned perfectly to put me on Beefcake Alexander’s path, and I took the opportunity to invite him to BeefCakeHunter Land for another oral session, I know I know that you wanted me to push him for a fuck scene, but I know him, and I know that the best way to get him in the “zone” would be making him comfortable in the BCH arena again. He is working now as a Construction Worker and has no girlfriend, he hasn’t change much, but in this Hung Alexander back video we can clearly see that he was missing the BCH attention, and I couldn’t be happier to feast on the piece of art that is his dick. The chat wasn’t long in this encounter, I wasted no time to start enjoying his goods, especially his hairy pubes and legs. He got hard quick, and he made a major effort in controlling his orgasm, he got more expressive and verbal than his previous visit to the BCH arena, something that I know the Hunters appreciate much, but I know he could do better 🙂 Beefcake Alexander seemed to have fun and felt humbled to see how happy and hungry of his cock I was, a fun Beefcake to be around, he is way funnier off camera, we always have a great time before or after the scene! At the end his orgasm was very intense, and he gave us a massive, thick, and sweet cum shot that could satisfy our eyes and my mouth if it was not a filmed scene lol, he said bye to the Hunters with a kiss to the cameras, and yeah, he will be back to visit my back door, if you know what I mean my dear Hunters. I hope you guys enjoy this scene Hung Alexander is back, please stay tuned for the comeback of that piece of art that is his cock!


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