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Hunter Knox

Hunter Knox has been hitting the books hard all day and he deserves a nice needed break. Once the pen hits his lips his hand begins to wander underneath the desk. He slowly gropes his growing wishing he was in class so maybe someone would notice. He begins to unzip his pants revealing his huge thick uncut cock. Hunter’s dick is a handful and the blood flowing through its veings is very sexy as he grips his meat and strokes every long inch of it. He moans quietly pretending that he is in class as his big dick becomes harder and harder throbbing in his hands. He shows off his body as he rubs his chest with one hand and the other continues playing with his cock and balls. He can only stroke that sexy cock for so long and his balls have become full and soon enough he shoots a thick load of cum one after another and it oozes all over the tip of his uncut cock.


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