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I Love Straight Men – Erick Diaz, Jonatas & Victor Ferraz

Jonatas and Victor Ferraz had an argument during the first season of Irmãos Dotados Reality, this intrigue needed to have some account settlements outside the house. In order for this to be resolved once and for all, the producer Irmãos Dotados brought together the straights of the house Victor Ferraz and Erick Diaz inside a hotel to resolve this situation with Jonatas. Upon arriving at the hotel, Jonatas finds his former confining partners and doesn’t give his arm to cheer, but his ass to fuck. Erick doesn’t enjoy the discussions between Victor and Jonathan and puts an end to this story with a lot of slutty and bitching between the three, putting his cock out and putting the nasty Jonathan to suck. Jonathan loves to hold the straight with his nice ass and his irresistible blowjob. Erick puts the nasty on the bed and puts the dick inside of his ass, Victor loves what is watching and also puts the guy to suck his huge cock. Jonatas is well served! The next morning, Jonatas wakes up with Erick fucking his ass with great affection and then feels the nasty hard fucking his ass making him delirious with lust and pleasure. Victor also fucks Jonatas’ big ass making him very horny. With a movie full of bitching, blowjob, double penetration, bareback sex, cumshot, kissing and a lot of slutty, “I love straight man” is the type of movie that will make you delirious with pleasure and moan with lust when you watch it.
