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I Wanna Go To The Reality – Kayo Alves & BabySannn

BabySannn decided to enter a reality show, confined in a house and competing for a grand prize at the end. To join the show, he needed to record a video, showing why he should participate. He tried several times to record the video, but was never satisfied with the result. That’s when his friend, Kayo Alves, came to his house, and BabySannn asked him for help recording the video. Kayo watched what Baby had recorded and understood what the problem was: the video was boring and didn’t attract the attention of the reality show’s production team. He then suggested that Baby spice things up a bit more and use his charm and sensuality to secure his spot. Baby loved the idea and decided to make a video showing off his hot, smooth body, promising that he would be getting down and dirty on the reality show. But Kayo, who was recording the video for his friend, decided that the dirty talk would start right there. Kayo pulled Baby and kissed him full of lust, caressing his toned body while his cock popped, in a mad will to fuck the guy. He made the bastard suck his hairy dick, while he moaned with lust. Then he decided to fuck Baby hard, showing that reality can be much more interesting than any TV show.


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