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Ignac Dlouhy & Martin Hovor

Martin Hovor is in charge of security today and he brings Ignac Dlouhy into his office. Martin wants to know the whereabouts of a stolen phone. Ignac, though, professes that he didn’t steal anything. It seems that he was caught on camera as he stole it. But Ignac still denies doing so. Martin then insists that he must involve the police. Ignac begs him not to. Martin then insists that he must search Ignac. Ignac stands and removes his tee shirt. Then he is told to remove his pants too. It seems that the stolen phone is in Ignac’s underwear. To avoid the police being called Ignac agrees to do whatever Martin suggests. That prompts Martin drop his pants and reveal his rock hard cock. He tells Ignac to suck it, which despite protestations, he does. His head moves back and forth on the big cock, taking it deep into his mouth. He is made to lick Martin’s balls too and suck the cock some more. Martin slaps Ignac’s face too as he enjoys his cock being sucked. Martin holds Ignac’s head and fucks his cock hard into the hot mouth. That big cock slides so deep into Ignac’s mouth and he takes it all as Martin fucks hard. The hot mouth works on the cock as Marting strips completely. Then Ignac kneels and presents his ass as Martin pulls the underwear down. Martin’s big dick is pushed into the waiting ass hole. He starts to fuck with long strokes and speeds up to pound the ass. He spanks that sexy ass too, leaving handprints on the cheeks, as he keeps up his deep fucking. Ignac takes that cock so well as Martin is relentless in his hard fucking. He fucks and spanks that ass, pulling out and shoving the dick all the way in again. Then Martin lays on his desk and has Ignac sit his hot ass down on that massive cock. Ignac rides the big cock as he grabs his own dick and wanks it. He wanks his own big cock as he feels Martin’s dick so deep in his ass. Ignac keeps up his wanking as he rides, and soon his dick gives up the creamy cum. He wanks every last drop from his cock as Martin’s dick works his ass. Then he slides off that dick and kneels before Martin who wanks his cock to cum on Ignac’s tongue. That big cock goes back into the hot mouth to be sucked clean as Martin fucks it down the throat again.


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