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Iker Crown, Julien Rome & Thomas Thunder

As spring arrives, the saps rising fish are jumping – you get my drift, time to turn it up a notch, to scorching with the arrival of TWO newbies, the deliciously pushy bottom Julien Rome and the accidental porn star – Iker Crown, (really he was just supposed to show the guys some yoga next thing we know he’s ….. well see for yourself) This trilogy of tasty is learning yoga, and of course it kicks of yummy style culminating with Iker Crown standing on his head, legs akimbo, whilst Julien eats out his succulent, hole with Thomas Thunder ram-slamming ‘his’ hole for all he’s worth. Three oversized, uncut cocks and lashings of creamy man goo. I know how it’s gonna end and its gonna be STICKY!


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