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In The Jungle – John Baldwin & Jonah Wheeler

Are these two guys in the “afterglow,” or is this foreplay? When we watch porn, we’re used to seeing a fairly standard formula. It goes something like this: Kiss, suck cock, eat ass, fuck, cum, end of scene. In the “real world,” which lies beyond fantasy, not everything we desire has to happen in one encounter. What we actually need in a given moment might look quite different than what we thought we should be doing to match the script we’ve instilled in ourselves. Our sex lives don’t look like porn. We hold the reins for our own ride. “In the Jungle” is a real-time scene filmed between two men who empowered themselves to take turns actually authentically asking for what they wanted, even while the camera rolled. We all have “off” days with our lovers or fuckbuddies, when things just don’t go like we expected – but when we see our sex lives as an ongoing continuum, there are no “off” days. Today’s sex may be the foreplay for tomorrow’s cosmic fuck… or the afterglow of yesterday’s orgy. “In the Jungle” empowers us to let go of how we “thought” it all should be, and open to the reality that each time we have sex, it’s a brand new experience.


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