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In The Pocket – Apollo & Dominic

It’s been several months since Dominic shocked his fans all over the world by letting Apollo be the first guy lucky enough to slide a raw dick deep inside his tight, straight-boy ass. “Next time it’s YOU!” Dominic playfully warned Apollo at the end of that scene, and he’s nothing if not a man of his word. Reunited for a special BBA trip down to Florida over Spring Break, Apollo and Dominic are playing a casual game of pool when Dominic realizes it’s the perfect time to get his “revenge.” These two sexy fan favorites make a friendly wager on their next game, with the loser promising to give the winner some ASS. See for yourself what happens when this high-stakes game of pool turns into an unforgettable afternoon of adventurous sex taking place everywhere from the top of the pool table to the kitchen counter!


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