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Incident #205: Good For One Thing Only – Joey

We get all types of residents, but this one takes the cake. He is snarky, obstinate, and thinks this whole thing is a joke. I’m assuming he has lived the past several years among people who live fast and die young – and he sees nothing wrong with this outlook on life. Whatever he has been using, he thinks it’s fine, and from Day 1 here at the House, he is treating this as some sort of vacation. Inviting new “friends” over, acting like he is better than everyone else: these kind of behaviors don’t win over other residents, and certainly not the House Managers. It’s obvious from his comments and attitude that he is a whore, so after his third infraction in a week, I thought “Why not just treat him like one?” Since he doesn’t have any other obvious skill sets, I assumed that at least he’s a good fuck. As per usual, I wasn’t wrong about this. Good cocksucker, too. I had my thick cock so deep in his teenage hole that I could swear that I could see it in his throat. And since his past habits have given him a slight frame, he was easy to toss around like a rag doll. After some rough deep throating and slapping him around, I stuck my dick in him. I’m not going to lie, it felt amazing. So there’s that. But I did get the sense that he’s used to being fucked by people who actually think he’s attractive and a potential partner (God only knows why someone would think that). He hadn’t been slapped around before and treated with disdain, but I got the distinct feeling that he actually enjoyed it. Not only because he was rock hard the entire time I was banging him raw, but he even nutted. I was somewhat disappointed he was enjoying it, but hell, to each his own. I got my nut too, by breeding this little bitch deep. After I got my exercise and left my seed in his cunt, I gave him a few slaps to the face. I doubt he will last another week, but his hole is better than jerking off, and sometimes it’s good to give the others’ assholes a break. We wouldn’t want everyone being as loose as this slut, would we?


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