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Incident #207: Fucked But Getting Better – Ringo

This resident comes from the back woods, so it’s no surprise that he doesn’t seem to have too many rocks in his noggin. However, like a good pet, he does seem to be able to respond to repetitive praise and punishment. After all, he isn’t nearly as messy as he was when he first arrived, and he’s become quite good at giving new residents a tour and quick run down of day to day living. Of course, we House Managers like to use praise more than punishment, but for certain types of personal shortcomings and bad habits, punishment and dire threats seem to be the way to go. For instance, after failing his weekly test, we decided to give this 18 year old a recovery session he will never forget. My guess is that it worked somewhat. Maybe we had gone to easy on him from the beginning, because when we confronted him he had a fucking smirk on his face. After a good slap and mentioning his P.O., however, he began to get more serious. But still not quite serious enough. A cock in his mouth did the trick, though. And – hot damn! – this teenager looks so amazing with a cock in his mouth we decided to go the whole way. So after getting him undressed I began loosening up his butt with my finger while he continued to work on my buddy’s dick. Compared to most, this young man has a stunning physique, so it wasn’t what I would call a difficult fuck. He looks like he could be a star wrestler or gymnast: beautiful bubble butt, nice six pack, and over all good tone. But the muscle my bud was the most interested in was his sphincter. He soon found out it was tight as a mouse’s ear! But, like all good Managers, persistence is key. Before long we had this 18 year old straight boy riding dick like he’d been practicing. Fucking his bubbly ass felt so good the Manager nutted deep inside him, and we had him squirt it out of his ass. Watching all of that jizz dripping down out of his cunt was like watching cream being poured onto your strawberries. Perfect site, really.
