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Incident #313: Gotta Take It – Jay Davis

It’s rare that pets are allowed at the House, but since it wasn’t a cat or dog, we let this guy keep his snake. After all, we do try to make this place a home, and some backward fucking hicks like this guy would get beyond butt hurt being without their weirdo companion animal. However, the tables also got turned on him, because their was another snake that got out of its cage, and this snake was intent on making some butt hurt. There’s a lot of spitting and slapping from this House Manager – he doesn’t like snakes and isn’t a fan of lazy good-for-nothings. He does, however, like some young mouth and ass. So after showing the new resident how to suck cock properly, he examined the boy’s hole and then shoved his dick inside of it. First the resident gets fucked doggie, and then he gets stuffed in missionary. He doesn’t seem to mind it, either – to be expected from someone like him. To finish off using this guy as a cum rag, the Manager dumps a load into his mouth and has him lick his dick clean. If you’re gonna stay in the House, gotta take it!


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