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Incident #316: Testing His Hole – Charlie Knox

There comes a time in the stay of every resident where he just has to give it up. Some guys are fairly well behaved and they can last months. Some are just too damn easy, and they don’t last a day. Most, however, are just like this lazy ass resident. . . it becomes clear after a few weeks that he needs some – incentive. In this case, the incentive is a cock shoved down his throat and then a good drilling. In this guy’s case, the drilling was pretty intense, because his hole felt so damn good. On top of being a good lay, he has strong legs and he was able to ride cock like the best of them. In the end, however, it was that half-sorry, half scared look on his face that really got the House Manager off. The reward for his insolence and sloth was a good load of warm cream deposited deep into his anal cavity. His hole was tested, and he passed with flying colors. Definitely going to be one of the go-to residents around here when one of the Managers needs to get a nut.
