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Incident #324: You Can’t Hide It – Logan Briggs

Everyone knows that habits aren’t easy to break. Sometimes they become second nature to the point to you don’t even consciously know what you are doing when you are doing it. I suspect this is what is going on with one of our new residents. It’s not that he can’t help himself; he simply barely realizes that he keeps failing. When he does realize that he has broken the rules, though, he tries to hide it. Like getting caught with a hand in the cookie jar, denials still come a-flying. I wanted to impress upon him that he must be more mindful and stop with the bullshit. With one call to his PO, he could easily be back in the slammer. He knows it, and I know it. So what’s a House Manager to do except introduce this resident to the joys of having a cock in your hand? It wasn’t in his hand, long, however, before it was in his mouth. And what a mouth! Smallish, but with nice lips just made for paying attention to the sensitive cock head. He didn’t even realize what latent skills he possesses! The ass was another beautiful revelation: it was just the right amount of tightness, with the kind of give that can get a fat cock off just right. After getting deep in him, I realized that he had an overly sensitive prostate. I think he was dumbfounded at how hard he got while I was pounding his hole. Stunned, actually. But I kept fucking away while his throbbing pecker was standing at attention. He rode my cock, and then I laid him down and bred this little bitch boy. It was amazing. You can’t hide paraphernalia from the Manager, nor can you hide the fact that you enjoy a big fat dick in your ass.


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