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Incident 349: Nut In The Gut – Colton Masters

It’s a bit unusual, although not unheard of, for a young man to make it from a dorm room to a bunk in a halfway house in the course of a semester. However, some guys just start too hard out of the gate, what with rush and all the freedom that a campus provides. His chasing tail soon led to chasing the bottle, and that led him straight to a few felonies. Of course, the Boys Halfway House welcomed him with open arms. Unfortunately, within a week he had fallen back to his old ways, and he needed to be confronted. Like many 18 year olds, his first response to being called out was nervous laughter. Well, that smirk soon fell from his face as he was presented with a big thick dick as option 2. Option 1 was being kicked to the curb. When I got him out of his clothes, for the first time I realized what a chiseled bod he had. Nice from pecs to butt, a perfect teenage jock just ready for some dick. And that mouth – very pretty. I spent more time than normal getting his throat used to dick, because I figured he needed the practice. He did a halfway decent job, too. And he didn’t flinch the more stern I became with him. Gotta love those people pleasers! His ass was tight as a button, and I couldn’t wait to break into it. I did it slowly at first. It felt great, and with time there was enough give to go to town. Even though he was moaning and wincing, it seemed like his hole wasn’t worse for the wear, so I fucked him in as many positions as I could think of, and even made him do ass-to-mouth on my cock, so that he could taste his own ass juice. This guy might look like a perfect freshman, but at the end of the day he’s just a loser like the rest of them, and I wanted him to know that. It’s a good thing that he works out his legs, because I had him riding my cock until I deposited a nut deep into his gut. And when it spilled out of his cunt it was a beautiful sight.


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